in partnership with offers highly competitive rates for all types of hotels in Tupiza, from affordable family hotels to the most luxurious ones., being established in 1996, is longtime Europe’s leader in online hotel reservations. See the overview of Tupiza hotels in the following section.
At you won't be charged any booking fees, cancellation fees (see particular hotel policies), or administration fees – the reservation service is free of charge. The reservation system is secure and your personal information and credit card is encrypted.
We have put together also a carefully selected list of recommended hotels in Tupiza, only hotels with the highest level of guest satisfaction are included. Many photos and unbiased hotel reviews written by real guests are provided to help you make your booking decision. Luxury hotels (including 5 star hotels and 4 star hotels) and cheap Tupiza hotels (with best discount rates and up-to-date hotel deals) are both available in separate lists.
With and the best price is guaranteed! Tupiza hotel deals include also long stay accommodation Tupiza offers. Take advantage of our exclusive offers and long stay discounts for selected Tupiza hotels' suites.
Unbiased Tupiza hotel reviews written by real guests and many hotel photos are provided to help you make your booking decision.
Tupiza is located in Sud Chichas, Potosi, Bolivia.
List of all hotels in Tupiza. By default, Tupiza hotels are sorted by class: the most luxurious hotels in Tupiza are listed first. You can change the sorting order using the navigation bar above. By clicking the first (leftmost) button you can interchange the direction of sorting between ascending/descending.
There are separate sections devoted to Tupiza luxury hotels and Tupiza cheap hotels.
The salt flats are located in the picturesque town of Tupiza, southern Bolivia. It offers rooms with shared bathrooms and private transport services to the bus terminal and a tour desk. Number of rooms: 10.
This local hotel is situated in downtown La Quiaca, a 5-minute walk from Plaza de la Independencia. Services include complimentary parking and a tour desk offering city tours.
The Copacabana is a red brick lodge decorated with mosaic art and traditional Argentine. Located in the center of La Quiaca. Offers tours and sightseeing around the city.
Tayka Hotel occupies a building Volcanoes eco Potosi solar powered. It offers heated rooms, a breakfast and a restaurant. San Pablo de Lipez is a 10 minute walk.
The Hostal Carmen is located in the city of Tarija and offers free Wi-Fi. The rooms have private bathrooms and cable TV. The park is located Uriondo 100 meters. The Hostal Carmen serves a buffet breakfast each morning.
Located on the top of a hill in the city of Salta, a city full of culture and tradition, the hotel Iruya offers wonderful views of the valleys and the surrounding hills.
From the picturesque village of Iruya you can enjoy spectacular views of the Andes. The property offers bright areas decorated in regional style and rooms overlooking the garden or the hills.
Located in a picturesque house in salt blocks, the Hotel Luna Salada de Sal offers rooms with views of the salt mine of Uyuni. The hotel features a restaurant and serves breakfast. The city of Uyuni is 30 minutes ...
Munay Hotel is located in the center of Humahuaca, a 10-minute walk from downtown and the bus station. It has WIFI and free parking.
This hotel offers American breakfast and a restaurant serving international cuisine, as well as parking and Wi-Fi, both free. Cima Argentum Hotel offers rooms and suites with private bathroom, minibar and cable TV.
We search over 500 approved car hire suppliers to find you the very best Tupiza rental prices available. You can compare offers from leading car hire suppliers like Avis, Europcar, Sixt or Thrifty as well as budget rental deals from Holiday Autos, Budget, Economy, EasyCar, or 121 carhire. Choose Tupiza car hire supplier according to your preferences. The booking process is secured and is made as simple as possible. You don't have to browse through several websites and compare prices to find cheap car hire at Tupiza - we will do it for you!
In the following list, car rental offices nearest to Tupiza are sorted by the approximate distance from thi city centre. is not sponsored by or affiliated with Google.