
Glauchau hotels – find & book a hotel in Glauchau

Glauchau hotel reservations

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Glauchau hotels: low rates, no booking fees, no cancellation fees.

Online Hotel BookingMaplandia.com in partnership with Booking.com offers highly competitive rates for all types of hotels in Glauchau, from affordable family hotels to the most luxurious ones. Booking.com, being established in 1996, is longtime Europe’s leader in online hotel reservations. See the overview of Glauchau hotels in the following section.

At Maplandia.com you won't be charged any booking fees, cancellation fees (see particular hotel policies), or administration fees – the reservation service is free of charge. The reservation system is secure and your personal information and credit card is encrypted.

We have put together also a carefully selected list of recommended hotels in Glauchau, only hotels with the highest level of guest satisfaction are included. Many photos and unbiased hotel reviews written by real guests are provided to help you make your booking decision. Luxury hotels (including 5 star hotels and 4 star hotels) and cheap Glauchau hotels (with best discount rates and up-to-date hotel deals) are both available in separate lists.

Glauchau hotel deals

With Maplandia.com and Booking.com the best price is guaranteed! Glauchau hotel deals include also long stay accommodation Glauchau offers. Take advantage of our exclusive offers and long stay discounts for selected Glauchau hotels' suites.

Glauchau hotel reviews

Unbiased Glauchau hotel reviews written by real guests and many hotel photos are provided to help you make your booking decision.

Glauchau location

– see Glauchau map »

Glauchau is located in Chemnitzer Land, Sachsen, Sachsen, Germany.

Hotels in Glauchau – sortable overview

List of all hotels in Glauchau. By default, Glauchau hotels are sorted by class: the most luxurious hotels in Glauchau are listed first. You can change the sorting order using the navigation bar above. By clicking the first (leftmost) button you can interchange the direction of sorting between ascending/descending.

There are separate sections devoted to Glauchau luxury hotels and Glauchau cheap hotels.

Glauchau: list of all hotels

Hotel Wettiner Hof photo

Hotel Wettiner Hof ***

This hotel is located just 5 minutes walk from the center of Glauchau, and is equipped with a sauna and a sunny beer garden. Enjoy your favorite beverage and watch in the hotel's Irish pub football. Number of rooms: 48.

Hotels in other places nearest to the centre of Glauchau

Hotel Dolce Vita Glauchau

Hotel Dolce Vita Glauchau ***

(in Weidensdorf, distanced approximately 3.3 km)

A large sun terrace and beer garden awaits you at this hotel in the Saxon village of Willow Village, 200 meters from the A4 motorway. The Dolce Vita Glauchau is decorated in Mediterranean style and offers free Wi-Fi.

Center Hotel Zwickau-Mosel

Center Hotel Zwickau-Mosel ***

(in Mulsen, distanced approximately 3.7 km)

The hotel is located in the Massif of Erzgebirge, on the bank of the river Mulsenbach. This charming facility was opened in 1991 near the headquarters of Volkswagen.

TOP Hotel Meerane

TOP Hotel Meerane ****

(in Meerane, distanced approximately 6.1 km)

On the edge of the Saxon castle country in a strategic position to the industrial cities of the region, says the hotel Meerane his guests.

Hotel Annet garni

Hotel Annet garni

(in Meerane, distanced approximately 6.2 km)

This cozy hotel is 5 minutes walk from the train station in Meerane away. Thanks to its location next to the A4 motorway to reach the cities of Chemnitz and Zwickau very comfortable. The comfortable rooms offer an Internet Annet and ...

Park Hotel Meerane

Park Hotel Meerane

(in Meerane, distanced approximately 6.4 km)

The traditional Meerane Park Hotel is located in a quiet and idyllic location at the park and is just minutes from the center. The AOD 4 is 2 km expressway and the B93 only 900 meters away.

Hotel - Restaurant Glänzelmühle

Hotel - Restaurant Glänzelmühle ***

(in Waldenburg, distanced approximately 6.9 km)

In dreamlike beautiful environment invites Glänzelmühle to rest, meals and living one. The guests feel well in the flair of the mill restaurants whose food and wine also higher demands.

Romantik Hotel Schwanefeld

Romantik Hotel Schwanefeld ****

(in Meerane, distanced approximately 7.3 km)

In the once famous Tuchmacherstadt Mangotsfield, where meteor logical findings suggest that the number of sunshine hours in Germany at the biggest was on the verge of a quarter with impressive villas old industrialist, idyllically situated and ...

Landhotel Sperlingsberg

Landhotel Sperlingsberg

(in Crimmitschau, distanced approximately 7.5 km)

This intimate hotel is located in Gablenz, a small neighborhood of Crimmitschau, and is located 100 meters from the main road, in a romantic setting woodland.

ACHAT Comfort Hotel Zwickau

ACHAT Comfort Hotel Zwickau ****

(in Zwickau, distanced approximately 9.1 km)

Located north of Zwickau, just 2 km from the city center, with excellent transport links, this hotel is also within walking distance of the A4 and A72 motorways.

Glauchau car rental

Compare Glauchau car rental offers of 500+ suppliers

Online Glauchau Car RentalWe search over 500 approved car hire suppliers to find you the very best Glauchau rental prices available. You can compare offers from leading car hire suppliers like Avis, Europcar, Sixt or Thrifty as well as budget rental deals from Holiday Autos, Budget, Economy, EasyCar, or 121 carhire. Choose Glauchau car hire supplier according to your preferences. The booking process is secured and is made as simple as possible. You don't have to browse through several websites and compare prices to find cheap car hire at Glauchau - we will do it for you!

Car rental offices near Glauchau

In the following list, car rental offices nearest to Glauchau are sorted by the approximate distance from thi city centre.

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