
Flights from Russia to ICN – compare prices

Flights to Seoul Incheon International

Below are listed popular flight routes from airports in Russia to Seoul Incheon International in South Korea. Only the cheapest flights found are shown. Use the form below to check the flight price for your dates.

Flights from Seoul Incheon International

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Airports with connections to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN)

Moscow VnukovoSochiMoscow DomodedovoIrkutskBlagoveschenskChitaKhabarovsk NovyKrasnodarSamaraKaliningradKrasnoyarskKazanMoscow SheremetyevoSt Petersburg PulkovoNovosibirskPermMineralnye VodyOmskPetropavlovsk-KamchatskySurgutEkaterinburgUfaPlatov International, Rostov on DonTyumenBaikal InternationalYuzhno-SakhalinskVladivostokYakutskVoronezhVolgograd

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO), Russia

Indirect flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 556 USDNov 1 2018Turkish Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Nov 9 2018Air Astana
Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 527 USDNov 18 2018Turkish Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMoscow Vnukovo (VKO) (round trip) Nov 25 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Moscow Vnukovo (VKO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Sunday 22nd July 2018 at 03:25.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Sochi (AER), Russia

Indirect flights from Sochi (AER) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Sochi (AER) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Sochi (AER) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 526 USDOct 18 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaSochi (AER) (round trip) Oct 22 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Sochi (AER) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 14:58.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Moscow Domodedovo (DME), Russia

Indirect flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Domodedovo (DME) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 422 USDOct 14 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMoscow Domodedovo (DME) (round trip) Nov 17 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Moscow Domodedovo (DME) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Saturday 21st July 2018 at 14:14.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Irkutsk (IKT), Russia

Direct flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Irkutsk (IKT) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 296 USDOct 8 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaIrkutsk (IKT) (round trip) Oct 22 2018S7 Airlines

Indirect flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Irkutsk (IKT) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Irkutsk (IKT) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 430 USDSep 4 2018Aeroflot
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaIrkutsk (IKT) (round trip) Nov 16 2018Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Monday 23rd July 2018 at 16:11.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Blagoveschensk (BQS), Russia

Indirect flights from Blagoveschensk (BQS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Blagoveschensk (BQS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Blagoveschensk (BQS) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 844 USDSep 1 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaBlagoveschensk (BQS) (round trip) Sep 12 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Blagoveschensk (BQS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Wednesday 25th July 2018 at 12:57.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Chita (HTA), Russia

Indirect flights from Chita (HTA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Chita (HTA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Chita (HTA) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 1384 USDAug 3 2018
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaChita (HTA) (round trip) Aug 10 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Chita (HTA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at 04:43.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV), Russia

Direct flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 388 USDOct 13 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKhabarovsk Novy (KHV) (round trip) Oct 22 2018S7 Airlines

Indirect flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Khabarovsk Novy (KHV) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 386 USDOct 31 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKhabarovsk Novy (KHV) (round trip) Nov 14 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Monday 23rd July 2018 at 06:43.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Krasnodar (KRR), Russia

Indirect flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Krasnodar (KRR) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 576 USDOct 22 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKrasnodar (KRR) (round trip) Oct 28 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Krasnodar (KRR) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 18:35.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Samara (KUF), Russia

Indirect flights from Samara (KUF) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Samara (KUF) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Samara (KUF) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 502 USDNov 15 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaSamara (KUF) (round trip) Nov 20 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Samara (KUF) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Sunday 22nd July 2018 at 12:12.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Kaliningrad (KGD), Russia

Indirect flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Kaliningrad (KGD) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 707 USDSep 17 2018Emirates
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKaliningrad (KGD) (round trip) Dec 17 2018Emirates

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Kaliningrad (KGD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 19th July 2018 at 20:42.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Krasnoyarsk (KJA), Russia

Indirect flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Krasnoyarsk (KJA) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 407 USDFeb 1 2019S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKrasnoyarsk (KJA) (round trip) Feb 16 2019S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Krasnoyarsk (KJA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at 15:20.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Kazan (KZN), Russia

Indirect flights from Kazan (KZN) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Kazan (KZN) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Kazan (KZN) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 555 USDNov 1 2018Turkish Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaKazan (KZN) (round trip) Nov 12 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Kazan (KZN) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 07:03.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO), Russia

Direct flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 565 USDMay 27 2019Aeroflot
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Jun 18 2019Aeroflot

Indirect flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 528 USDOct 18 2018Air Astana
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMoscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) (round trip) Oct 21 2018Air Astana

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 20:42.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED), Russia

Direct flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 690 USDSep 21 2018Korean Air
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaSt Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) (round trip) Sep 28 2018Korean Air

Indirect flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
St Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 503 USDJan 14 2019S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaSt Petersburg Pulkovo (LED) (round trip) Jan 22 2019S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Sunday 22nd July 2018 at 15:17.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Novosibirsk (OVB), Russia

Direct flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Novosibirsk (OVB) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 462 USDOct 10 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaNovosibirsk (OVB) (round trip) Oct 17 2018S7 Airlines

Indirect flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Novosibirsk (OVB) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Novosibirsk (OVB) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 362 USDOct 12 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaNovosibirsk (OVB) (round trip) Oct 19 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Monday 23rd July 2018 at 15:46.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Perm (PEE), Russia

Indirect flights from Perm (PEE) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Perm (PEE) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Perm (PEE) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 730 USDSep 1 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaPerm (PEE) (round trip) Sep 10 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Perm (PEE) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 04:18.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Mineralnye Vody (MRV), Russia

Indirect flights from Mineralnye Vody (MRV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Mineralnye Vody (MRV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Mineralnye Vody (MRV) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 671 USDSep 22 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaMineralnye Vody (MRV) (round trip) Sep 30 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Mineralnye Vody (MRV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 20:46.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Omsk (OMS), Russia

Indirect flights from Omsk (OMS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Omsk (OMS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Omsk (OMS) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 519 USDSep 15 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaOmsk (OMS) (round trip) Sep 26 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Omsk (OMS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 13:53.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC), Russia

Indirect flights from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 366 USDJan 14 2019S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) (round trip) Jan 23 2019S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PKC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 11:26.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Surgut (SGC), Russia

Indirect flights from Surgut (SGC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Surgut (SGC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Surgut (SGC) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 735 USDJan 1 2019S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaSurgut (SGC) (round trip) Jan 10 2019S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Surgut (SGC) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Wednesday 25th July 2018 at 21:00.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Ekaterinburg (SVX), Russia

Indirect flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Ekaterinburg (SVX) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 534 USDOct 16 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaEkaterinburg (SVX) (round trip) Oct 24 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Ekaterinburg (SVX) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Saturday 21st July 2018 at 04:37.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Ufa (UFA), Russia

Indirect flights from Ufa (UFA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Ufa (UFA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Ufa (UFA) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 589 USDOct 12 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaUfa (UFA) (round trip) Oct 24 2018S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Ufa (UFA) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Saturday 21st July 2018 at 11:46.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV), Russia

Indirect flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 553 USDSep 6 2018Turkish Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaPlatov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) (round trip) Sep 10 2018Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Platov International, Rostov on Don (ROV) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 06:22.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Tyumen (TJM), Russia

Indirect flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Tyumen (TJM) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 643 USDDec 24 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaTyumen (TJM) (round trip) Jan 16 2019S7 Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Tyumen (TJM) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at 04:59.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Baikal International (UUD), Russia

Indirect flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Baikal International (UUD) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 596 USDAug 1 2018
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaBaikal International (UUD) (round trip) Aug 7 2018

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Baikal International (UUD) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at 12:07.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS), Russia

Direct flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 377 USDAug 28 2018Aeroflot
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaYuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) (round trip) Sep 9 2018Aeroflot

Indirect flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 304 USDAug 29 2018Aeroflot
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaYuzhno-Sakhalinsk (UUS) (round trip) Sep 9 2018Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Tuesday 24th July 2018 at 03:10.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Vladivostok (VVO), Russia

Direct flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Direct flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Vladivostok (VVO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 189 USDDec 25 2018S7 Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaVladivostok (VVO) (round trip) Jan 1 2019S7 Airlines

Indirect flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Vladivostok (VVO) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Vladivostok (VVO) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 1037 USDAug 31 2018Japan Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaVladivostok (VVO) (round trip) Sep 7 2018Japan Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 03:22.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Yakutsk (YKS), Russia

Indirect flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Yakutsk (YKS) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 390 USDSep 6 2018Aeroflot
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaYakutsk (YKS) (round trip) Sep 11 2018Aeroflot

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Yakutsk (YKS) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Wednesday 25th July 2018 at 14:48.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Voronezh (VOZ), Russia

Indirect flights from Voronezh (VOZ) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Voronezh (VOZ) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Voronezh (VOZ) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 597 USDApr 24 2019Turkish Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaVoronezh (VOZ) (round trip) May 1 2019Turkish Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Voronezh (VOZ) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 14:38.

Seoul Incheon Int'l from Volgograd (VOG), Russia

Indirect flights from Volgograd (VOG) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea

Indirect flights from Volgograd (VOG) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Volgograd (VOG) — Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South KoreaSouth Korea 1847 USDNov 14 2018Japan Airlines
Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN) — RussiaVolgograd (VOG) (round trip) Nov 27 2018Japan Airlines

More flights: Russia to South Korea. No direct flights from Volgograd (VOG) to Seoul Incheon Int'l (ICN), South Korea found. Prices of flights to Seoul Incheon Int'l sourced on Wednesday 25th July 2018 at 15:42.

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