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Maplandia.com provides the searchable world gazetteer based on Google Maps, the most comprehensive online satellite imagery ever available. More than 2 000 000 places all over the world are divided into many geographical categories according to continents, countries and administrative regions. Coloured region contours, direct Google Earth links and other no elsewhere to find features make exploring the world easy as never before. Maplandia.com is here for you. Don't wait, explore the world today!

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Asia (800,000+)

Europe (530,000+)

Africa (320,000+)

North America (220,000+)

South America (120,000+)

Central America (65,000+)

Australia and Oceania (30,000+)

Antarctic (1)

latest placemarks

latest 10 placemarks added
AirstripDobric, Bulgariaentertainment
Alternative Cleaning LtdHampshire County, South East, England, United Kingdombuildings
Alternative Cleaning LimitedHampshire County, South East, England, United Kingdombuildings
National Review illumishare GehlertAschaffenburg, Unterfranken, Bayern, Germanyhomes
Diamond Cleaning ServicesToronto Metropolitan Municipality, Ontario, Canadahomes
Roof Repairs PerthCambridge, Western Australia, Australiastreets
Brooks Home InspectionsDivision No. 6, Alberta, Canadahomes
A and R Garage DoorMaricopa County, Arizona, United Stateshomes
Sho Me Pest LLCClay County, Missouri, United Stateshomes
Elite Property Wash LtdGold Coast, Queensland, Australiastreets
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latest placemarks

  1. Airstrip in Orlyak, Dobric, Bulgaria
  2. Alternative Cleaning Ltd in Aldershot, Hampshire County, South East, England, United Kingdom
  3. Alternative Cleaning Limited in Aldershot, Hampshire County, South East, England, United Kingdom
  4. National Review illumishare Gehlert in Aschaffenburg, Aschaffenburg, Unterfranken, Bayern, Germany
  5. Diamond Cleaning Services in Etobicoke, Toronto Metropolitan Municipality, Ontario, Canada

random google map locations

  1. Krasnoarmeyskiy in Chuchkovskiy rayon, Ryazanskaya Oblast, Russia
  2. Kruishoofd in Zeeland, Netherlands

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