
Flights from Argentina to GRU – compare prices

Flights to Sao Paulo Intl

Below are listed popular flight routes from airports in Argentina to Sao Paulo Intl in Brazil. Only the cheapest flights found are shown. Use the form below to check the flight price for your dates.

Flights from Sao Paulo Intl

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Airports with connections to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU)

Buenos Aires Jorge NewberyBahia BlancaBuenos Aires Ministro PistariniCordobaSan Carlos DeBarilocheSan Martin DeLos AndesComodoro RivadaviaMendozaJujuyResistenciaFormosaEl CalafateLa RiojaRio GallegosNeuquenMar Del PlataParanaIguazuRosarioTucumanUshuaiaSaltaSanta Rosa

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP), Argentina

Direct flights from Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 204 USDDec 7 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) (round trip) Dec 18 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 204 USDSep 28 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) (round trip) Oct 1 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

Indirect flights from Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 240 USDOct 11 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) (round trip) Oct 16 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Buenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 240 USDOct 11 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Jorge Newbery (AEP) (round trip) Oct 16 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 21:35.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Bahia Blanca (BHI), Argentina

Indirect flights from Bahia Blanca (BHI) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Bahia Blanca (BHI) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Bahia Blanca (BHI) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 475 USDSep 3 2018Aerolineas Argentinas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBahia Blanca (BHI) (round trip) Sep 6 2018Aerolineas Argentinas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Bahia Blanca (BHI) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 15:44.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE), Argentina

Direct flights from Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 185 USDNov 1 2018Turkish Airlines
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) (round trip) Nov 5 2018Turkish Airlines

Indirect flights from Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 268 USDSep 20 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaBuenos Aires Ministro Pistarini (EZE) (round trip) Oct 1 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Friday 10th August 2018 at 18:37.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Cordoba (COR), Argentina

Direct flights from Cordoba (COR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Cordoba (COR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Cordoba (COR) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 293 USDAug 27 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaCordoba (COR) (round trip) Sep 2 2018LATAM Airlines Group

Indirect flights from Cordoba (COR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Cordoba (COR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Cordoba (COR) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 177 USDAug 31 2018Azul Airlines
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaCordoba (COR) (round trip) Sep 3 2018Azul Airlines

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Saturday 11th August 2018 at 23:19.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from San Carlos DeBariloche (BRC), Argentina

Indirect flights from San Carlos DeBariloche (BRC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from San Carlos DeBariloche (BRC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
San Carlos DeBariloche (BRC) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 492 USDSep 4 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaSan Carlos DeBariloche (BRC) (round trip) Sep 11 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from San Carlos DeBariloche (BRC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 01:36.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from San Martin DeLos Andes (CPC), Argentina

Indirect flights from San Martin DeLos Andes (CPC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from San Martin DeLos Andes (CPC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
San Martin DeLos Andes (CPC) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 869 USDNov 10 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaSan Martin DeLos Andes (CPC) (round trip) Nov 19 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from San Martin DeLos Andes (CPC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Thursday 9th August 2018 at 21:56.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Comodoro Rivadavia (CRD), Argentina

Indirect flights from Comodoro Rivadavia (CRD) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Comodoro Rivadavia (CRD) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Comodoro Rivadavia (CRD) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 870 USDSep 13 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaComodoro Rivadavia (CRD) (round trip) Sep 26 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Comodoro Rivadavia (CRD) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 01:45.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Mendoza (MDZ), Argentina

Direct flights from Mendoza (MDZ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Mendoza (MDZ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Mendoza (MDZ) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 292 USDNov 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaMendoza (MDZ) (round trip) Nov 18 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

Indirect flights from Mendoza (MDZ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Mendoza (MDZ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Mendoza (MDZ) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 260 USDDec 23 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaMendoza (MDZ) (round trip) Dec 24 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 18:02.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Jujuy (JUJ), Argentina

Indirect flights from Jujuy (JUJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Jujuy (JUJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Jujuy (JUJ) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 818 USDAug 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaJujuy (JUJ) (round trip) Aug 27 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Jujuy (JUJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 10:52.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Resistencia (RES), Argentina

Indirect flights from Resistencia (RES) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Resistencia (RES) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Resistencia (RES) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 721 USDAug 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaResistencia (RES) (round trip) Aug 21 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Resistencia (RES) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 21:36.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Formosa (FMA), Argentina

Indirect flights from Formosa (FMA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Formosa (FMA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Formosa (FMA) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 692 USDAug 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaFormosa (FMA) (round trip) Aug 21 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Formosa (FMA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 02:58.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from El Calafate (FTE), Argentina

Indirect flights from El Calafate (FTE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from El Calafate (FTE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
El Calafate (FTE) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 480 USDFeb 14 2019LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaEl Calafate (FTE) (round trip) Mar 13 2019LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from El Calafate (FTE) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Saturday 11th August 2018 at 05:02.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from La Rioja (IRJ), Argentina

Indirect flights from La Rioja (IRJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from La Rioja (IRJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
La Rioja (IRJ) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 709 USDAug 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaLa Rioja (IRJ) (round trip) Aug 19 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from La Rioja (IRJ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 02:32.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Rio Gallegos (RGL), Argentina

Indirect flights from Rio Gallegos (RGL) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Rio Gallegos (RGL) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Rio Gallegos (RGL) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 958 USDAug 17 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaRio Gallegos (RGL) (round trip) Aug 18 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Rio Gallegos (RGL) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 10:55.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Neuquen (NQN), Argentina

Indirect flights from Neuquen (NQN) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Neuquen (NQN) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Neuquen (NQN) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 374 USDOct 15 2018Aerolineas Argentinas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaNeuquen (NQN) (round trip) Oct 21 2018Aerolineas Argentinas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Neuquen (NQN) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Tuesday 14th August 2018 at 00:44.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Mar Del Plata (MDQ), Argentina

Indirect flights from Mar Del Plata (MDQ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Mar Del Plata (MDQ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Mar Del Plata (MDQ) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 261 USDAug 30 2018Aerolineas Argentinas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaMar Del Plata (MDQ) (round trip) Sep 14 2018Aerolineas Argentinas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Mar Del Plata (MDQ) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Wednesday 8th August 2018 at 23:49.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Parana (PRA), Argentina

Indirect flights from Parana (PRA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Parana (PRA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Parana (PRA) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 275 USDOct 11 2018Aerolineas Argentinas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaParana (PRA) (round trip) Oct 22 2018Aerolineas Argentinas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Parana (PRA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 15:57.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Iguazu (IGR), Argentina

Indirect flights from Iguazu (IGR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Iguazu (IGR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Iguazu (IGR) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 372 USDDec 9 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaIguazu (IGR) (round trip) Dec 11 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Iguazu (IGR) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Saturday 11th August 2018 at 21:41.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Rosario (ROS), Argentina

Direct flights from Rosario (ROS) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Rosario (ROS) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Rosario (ROS) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 321 USDNov 19 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaRosario (ROS) (round trip) Nov 26 2018LATAM Airlines Group

Indirect flights from Rosario (ROS) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Rosario (ROS) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Rosario (ROS) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 189 USDAug 18 2018Azul Airlines
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaRosario (ROS) (round trip) Aug 28 2018Azul Airlines

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 15:14.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Tucuman (TUC), Argentina

Direct flights from Tucuman (TUC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Direct flights from Tucuman (TUC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Tucuman (TUC) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 293 USDNov 10 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaTucuman (TUC) (round trip) Dec 8 2018LATAM Airlines Group

Indirect flights from Tucuman (TUC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Tucuman (TUC) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Tucuman (TUC) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 291 USDDec 22 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaTucuman (TUC) (round trip) Jan 5 2019LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Tuesday 7th August 2018 at 00:57.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Ushuaia (USH), Argentina

Indirect flights from Ushuaia (USH) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Ushuaia (USH) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Ushuaia (USH) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 801 USDNov 2 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaUshuaia (USH) (round trip) Nov 8 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Ushuaia (USH) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Wednesday 8th August 2018 at 20:49.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Salta (SLA), Argentina

Indirect flights from Salta (SLA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Salta (SLA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Salta (SLA) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 533 USDDec 11 2018LATAM Airlines Group
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaSalta (SLA) (round trip) Dec 20 2018LATAM Airlines Group

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Salta (SLA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Tuesday 7th August 2018 at 17:58.

Sao Paulo Guarulhos from Santa Rosa (RSA), Argentina

Indirect flights from Santa Rosa (RSA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil

Indirect flights from Santa Rosa (RSA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Santa Rosa (RSA) — Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), BrazilBrazil 565 USDAug 15 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas
Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU) — ArgentinaSanta Rosa (RSA) (round trip) Aug 19 2018GOL Linhas Aéreas

More flights: Argentina to Brazil. No direct flights from Santa Rosa (RSA) to Sao Paulo Guarulhos (GRU), Brazil found. Prices of flights to Sao Paulo Guarulhos sourced on Monday 13th August 2018 at 16:30.

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