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Placemarks are interesting places marked on the map. To add a placemark:
Optionally, you may complete this information by adding:
Available categories: sport stadium, webcam, castle, church, street, square, airport, railway station, harbour, ski resort, accommodation, spa, beach, bridge, statue, building, museum, art gallery, theatre, cinema, education, shopping, waterfall, hospital, bus stop, village, home, mosque, entertainment, park, nature, road and restaurant. For webcams (placemarks of webcam category) the url information is mandatory; for all other types of placemark it is optional. If you think the placemark you wish to add doesn't match any of categories listed, contact us please and we will consider adding new category.
Important: it is isn't possible to change the title and the category of the placemarks after you submit following form. However, you can edit all other details any time in the future. is not sponsored by or affiliated with Google.