
Flights from Libya – compare prices

Flights from Libya

Below are listed the popular destinations reachable from airports in Libya. Only the cheapest flights found are shown. Use the form below to find more offers on flights from Libya.

Flights to Libya

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Libya flight reservations

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Destinations reachable from Libya

TurkeyJordanTunisiadomestic flights

Flights from Libya

Libya to Turkey

Direct flights from Libya to Turkey

Direct flights from Benghazi (BEN) to Turkey
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Benghazi (BEN) — Istanbul Ataturk (IST), TurkeyTurkey 592 USDOct 7 2018Afriqiyah Airways
Istanbul Ataturk (IST) — LibyaBenghazi (BEN) (round trip) Oct 14 2018Afriqiyah Airways

More flights: Libya to Turkey, Libya to IST. No indirect flights from Libya to Turkey found. Prices of flights to Turkey sourced on Sunday 22nd July 2018 at 12:33.

Libya to Jordan

Direct flights from Libya to Jordan

Direct flights from Benghazi (BEN) to Jordan
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Benghazi (BEN) — Amman Queen Alia (AMM), JordanJordan 445 USDAug 24 2018Afriqiyah Airways
Amman Queen Alia (AMM) — LibyaBenghazi (BEN) (round trip) Sep 7 2018Afriqiyah Airways

More flights: Libya to Jordan, Libya to AMM. No indirect flights from Libya to Jordan found. Prices of flights to Jordan sourced on Wednesday 18th July 2018 at 09:08.

Libya to Tunisia

Direct flights from Libya to Tunisia

Direct flights from Tripoli (TIP) to Tunisia
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Tripoli (TIP) — Tunis Carthage (TUN), TunisiaTunisia 360 USDAug 14 2018Afriqiyah Airways
Tunis Carthage (TUN) — LibyaTripoli (TIP) (round trip) Aug 21 2018Afriqiyah Airways

More flights: Libya to Tunisia, Libya to TUN. No indirect flights from Libya to Tunisia found. Prices of flights to Tunisia sourced on Thursday 19th July 2018 at 11:57.

Domestic flights from Libya

Direct domestic flights from Libya

Direct domestic flights from Benghazi (BEN)
Cheapest found flightsCheck pricePriceDepartureOperated by
Benghazi (BEN) — Tripoli (TIP), LibyaLibya 168 USDAug 1 2018Afriqiyah Airways
Tripoli (TIP) — LibyaBenghazi (BEN) (round trip) Sep 5 2018Afriqiyah Airways

More flights: Libya to Libya, Libya to TIP. Prices of flights to Libya sourced on Friday 20th July 2018 at 05:51.

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